Seven Thrones

The Seven Thrones are derived from the periodic text, which invokes our response of worship to our only true God. In these sections, God makes clear our eternal purpose and place for worshiping Him alone with all glory and honor due to His Name. These are glory glimpses amidst judgment and terror to encourage and keep us focused on THE Plan of salvation all must work out in fear and trembling, --enduring to the end.

The Seven Thrones

The Seven Thrones are derived from the periodic text, which invokes our response of worship to our only true God. In these sections, God makes clear our eternal purpose and place for worshiping Him alone with all glory and honor due to His Name. These are glory glimpses amidst judgment and terror to encourage and keep us focused on THE Plan of salvation all must work out in fear and trembling, --enduring to the end.
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E-Book VII The Seven Thrones

This eBook of the Seven Thrones has seven of her vivid visual metaphors with her elaborate explanations derived from the scriptures of the Book of Revelation and provides insight as to what and why the artist included these contemporary ideas in her interpretation that all come from her diligent study of the entire Bible.

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